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Our Logistician Chang Kah Loon’s Comments Underscore the Critical Importance of Monitoring Maritime Logistics Trends for Strategic Planning Purposes

09 May 2024

Our Logistician Chang Kah Loon’s comments underscore the critical importance of monitoring maritime logistics trends for strategic planning purposes. Given that maritime logistics accounts for over 90% of world trade, it's clear that staying informed about developments in this sector is essential for businesses and policymakers alike. LINERLYTICA's maritime update provides valuable insights into the current state of the industry, helping stakeholders make informed decisions and adapt their strategies accordingly. As such, continuous monitoring and analysis of maritime trends are imperative to ensure that Penang and Malaysia capitalise on opportunities and navigate challenges effectively in the dynamic global trade environment.

-Kah Loon, with over 30 years of practical experience and also a researcher in maritime logistics at Universiti Sains Malaysia, brings valuable expertise to the discussion of maritime trends.