News & Events

Our Chief Executive of AK Academy, who is also a State EXCO and Council Member of St. John Ambulance of Malaysia (SJAM) (State of Penang), Prof. Logistician Chang Kah Loon 曾家麟物流師, FCILT, FLogM, Attended the SJAM State Council Meeting at SJAM State HQ

29 Jun 2024

Our Chief Executive of AK Academy 勤 略 學 院, who is also a State EXCO and Council Member of St. John Ambulance of Malaysia (SJAM) (State of Penang), Prof. Logistician Chang Kah Loon 曾家麟物流師, FCILT, FLogM, attended the SJAM State Council Meeting at SJAM State HQ.

Other attendees included our Deputy State Commander, Hon. State Secretary, Hon. State Treasurer, Area Commanders, and Representatives from the State Health Director (KKM), State Education Director (JPN), State Chief Police Officer (PDRM), and State Welfare Director. 

It’s essential for all of us to get involved in NGOs like SJAM and serve the public, including our country. While some may prefer private activities, our Chief Executive CKL often emphasizes that participating in public activities provides a balanced life. This involvement can help reduce work and family pressures, allowing us to have better and more efficient energy for our family, work, and education.